Travel Log

The Travel Log is basically a journal of our most recent events so that anyone, whether you were or were not on the hike, may review what we did during each trip/hike. In other words, you get to read about our trips and cry over missing it.

Cape Spear to Maddox Cove
Our first entry is on the first hike of the year 2003, which by tradition is the hike from Cape Spear to Maddox Cove, a 10.7 km hike. It is relatively an easy to moderate hike which can be done within 4 hours.

Although the morning was quite foggy, by the latter part of the hike, it started to warm up nicely and the sun blessened us with its presence during the last hours. We stopped off at North Head where we took the time to take a nice break and some pictures of the cliff's edge. From there we continued to our destination, with the occassional "where the hell are we going", as we got lost due to the fog a couple of times.

Eventually, we stopped off at the spout for another break and by this time, the sun had paid us a visit and the ocean couldn't have looked more beautiful, t'was quite the site. We had stopped off at the spout to see how cool it was and how powerful the pressure was inside, unfortunately Hong got too close as it was spitting upward and got to experience the spout on a first hand basis.

After about 4 hours, we arrived at our destination of Maddox Cove, without many hitches, except for not having any signals for our cell phones to call for a ride out, so all eight of us piled into my jeep.

Fort Amherst to Blackhead
To Be Logged

copyright © 2003 Tea in a Thermos